Installing AVAILIT Online Backup on Windows.

Installing AVAILIT Online Backup on Windows.

When logged into the computer as an "Administrator" that you want the Cloud Backup Software installed:
  1. Download the installer from: (Click on the previous link)
  2. Save it to your desired local computer (i.e. your downloads folder).
  3. Once downloaded, run the file by double clicking it.
  4. If prompted, click "Yes" to allow the installer to run.
  5. Click "Next' on the initial screen.
  6. Unless you desire to have each end user define what files get backed up, leave the default option of "Common" and press "Next".
  7. It is recommended to leave the default installation location and select "Install".
  8. Wait for the installation to complete.
  9. Then click "Finish".
  10. If you have signed up for our "Managed Backup" service, contact our support team at 1 (772) 213-9980 to complete the configuration.
  11. If you wish to configure the software yourself see the to "Configure a Backup Plan".

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